Mental Health vs. Space Travel

Which do you feel Americans should invest more in: space travel or mental health? Explain your choice. Be clear about WHY you feel the way you do. Use support from your personal knowledge or things you've read or seen. 

I think we should invest more into space travel, because what if we are all worried about people's feelings and then are suddenly attacked or something from a bigger threat in space? I think we should try and be more aware of our surroundings before dealing with ourselves. Doing that would be like being more concerned about you being upset while stranded on a deserted island rather than being more concerned on other threats. I feel like it would be a dumb move to invest purely into people's feelings when there could be bigger issues for all of us. But then again, it just depends on the proportions of the situation. It would make sense to focus on health if it was awful, with only minor threats around. There really isn't anything I could think about that would relate to this kind of situation other then the scenario explained before.


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