A New Year

Last year was the year of 2019.

This year will be the year of 2020.

                                                              Questions and answers

1. How can you improve your life for the new year?

I can improve my life for the new year by studying for the U.S. Constitution test and hopefully passing it. I need to pass it in order to pass eighth grade, and if I do not it means big trouble, in an educational way and discipline way. I would hate to have to be held back and restart the grade over, and disappoint my parents.

2. What was your favorite part about last year?

My favorite part about last year would have to be being able to go to the fair with Rhylee, go to my grandmas for extended periods of time, spending the night at friend's houses, both doing and leaving Kenpo, and rewatching the X-Files.

3. What was your most successful story about last year?

I am not very sure what you mean by that but I was pretty successful when it came to grades.

4. If you could celebrate the new year from anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I think being in New York for it would be nice, but I would probably not like the traffic and overwhelming amount of people, so I would most likely just want to go to my grandma's house for New Years because it wouldn't be bad.

5. Describe last year in five words. What do these descriptions mean to you?

Self-Control. Luck, Loss, Paranoid, and metal. Well, the first one explains the self-control learned from Kenpo, how I resist from hurting those who harm or irritate me as much as I can. Luck would have to be how I was significantly lucky this year. Whether it be in grade terms or other ways. Loss would explain loosing Rhylee (Well not completely. But she moved.) and a bunch of my outside cats leaving for some reason and not coming back. One death but I didn't really feel upset because I didn't really know him. As for paranoid, just being worried about stuff like the climate, corruption, money, grades, stuff like that. Metal might be pretty self explanatory, I just listened to more metal this year than I have in the past.


  1. Who or What is Kenpo? I"m glad that you still see Rhylee? Did they move far away? I believe New York would probably overwhelm you, but I think everyone should at least try it. It's an alive city full of so many sights and sounds. The theatre is great; the concerts are wonderful; and the food...oh my!! What are your three goals for this year?

    1. Kenpo is a martial art. A war art I was told. She did not move super far away, just the next town over. As for three goals I am not sure


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