Writing Goal: At least two hundred words, tying into other interests, but not rambling or repeating.

          A body is found in a mysterious place, under mysterious circumstances. Who are they? What happened to them? Is anyone responsible? What was their motive?  Crime shows are probably one of the most interesting shows to view and take into mind, in my opinion. Other than shows or videos involving horror, the paranormal, and mysteries, which could potentially be involved with crime also depending on the situation. When I hear crime, my mind immediately goes to the crimes that are hard to wrap your head around. Especially when it comes to the motive of the killer's actions, what goes on in their head. What brought them to do such a thing, fed their impulses to do so, do so to strangers, or to their very loved ones, caused this  raging hate, greed, mental illness, corruption, desire, addiction, outburst, or impulse to happen? That's what I like to find out. I definitely am not the one to solve it all, but it's fun to try to find out yourself. Why you may ask? To have more knowledge over people's behaviors and reason for them, even if harsh or dark. Some people really are able to take someone's life out of selfish or petty purpose. And you know, some of those sickos out there are never found. But, luckily, for people like me, these kind of things are my passion to learn about and debunk.Fbi, Federal Bureau Of Investigation

         I'll show you how I analyse the murder's actions and motive soon after a small summary of the Zodiac Killer. To my knowledge, he was suspected to be Arthur Leigh Allen. But, there was no concrete evidence of Arthur murdering anyone. This killer was confirmed to have seven true victims, them being  David Arthur Faraday, Betty Lou Jensen, Michael Renault Mageau, Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin, Bryan Calvin Hartnell, Cecelia Ann Shepard, and Paul Lee Stine. Only Michael and Bryan lived. And even though those were confirmed, he claims to have had a total of thirty seven victims. Although there is no concrete motive, through his encoded messages he has stated, "I like killing people because it is so much fun,"and "It is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all." He has also taunted, disturbed,  and threatened the authorities. I know the topic is pretty dark, and I'm sure plenty feel awful for the victims and their loved ones just as I do, but it is quite interesting in my opinion to break down the events and what went on in their mind. Personally, this information tells me alot about him.
       What I think his problem was? I believe he was a sociopath. That he had some form of trauma or grieve or as a child, and was numb to sympathy, or rather couldn't express deep emotions properly. Whether or not he was born or made this way, I think he started off killing small animals as a child for a release or boost, but after a long time, it wasn't enough. He could have started killing bigger, more difficult animals Which eventually progressed to human. And based off the way he threatened and played with the police, I believe his taunting was a form of trying to boost his self esteem. To feel better about himself. Another reason to believe it was a boost to him was the fact that he said killing people was more enjoyable than animals because it was dangerous. Like it was a challenge for him. Plus, the authority has only confirmed about a handful of people to be his victims out of the many others he claimed to have had. He could have exaggerated the amount to promote fear, to make him seem high and mighty. How he threatened them to publish his messages to the paper would also promote fear or  even mass hysteria based off the idea he could have killed that many. And he got away with it. But does he regret it? I think not. It is the job of those who have the same passion, and or have a strong sense of bringing justice to make those like him pay.
          Any crime committed by one, no hateful, greedy, or not, shall be judged. Whether it be by society, or by what lies in the afterlife. Real horrors happen, but if you think about it, without that kind of stuff, no matter how bad, we need it because it helps define what goodness is. With no line in between, there is nothing. But it is my passion to look for where that line is, and try to look right through those who are evil. It is my passion to try to look into the minds of people in order to explain their doings and behavior. 
Brain, Mind, Psychology, Idea, DrawingWhy? For a better understanding of those around and how their mind works as stated before.

Photos found and used from pixabay.com 


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